7-day wellness challenge: a week to calm your skin and your mind

We are all about calming stressed skin and stressed minds - and our 7-day wellness challenge is brilliant way to do both. This coming week, why not give it a try?

Day 1: mindful Monday 

Start your day with a mindful morning. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply, set positive intentions, and stretch.

Day 2: tech-free Tuesday 

Allocate one hour without screens - no phones, TVs or laptops. Disconnect from technology and reconnect with things in the present moment that bring you joy.

Day 3: midweek meditation 

Take a five-minute break for midweek meditation. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Let go of stress and embrace a moment of peace.

Day 4: thankful Thursday 

Practice gratitude. Take a moment to jot down three things you're thankful for. Expressing gratitude can shift your perspective and help you to not sweat the small stuff.

Day 5: feel-good Friday 

Treat yourself to something that makes you feel good. It could be a healthy but delicious meal, a workout with a friend or some shopping therapy.

Day 6: serene Saturday 

Spend time in nature. Whether it's the local park or even your back garden, connect with the outdoors - even if just for a few minutes.

Day 7: self-care Sunday 

Wrap up the week with a self-care session. Indulge in a relaxing bath and then use Monday's Child's signature face oil and a gua sha tool to give yourself a self-guided facial massage.